Aqui estão algumas perguntas frequentemente feitas pelos nossos alunos durante o Treinamento de Médicos Missionários. Esperamos que esta seja uma lista que cresça com o tempo à medida que ganhamos mais experiência trabalhando com você.
Existem muitos lugares no Espírito de Profecia, então você pode querer fazer uma pesquisa no Google para encontrar várias fontes de citações.
Você pode enviar um e-mail para o Pastor Dale Carpenter em:
Telefone: 410-365-4242
Alimentos Incluídos e Excluídos - Dieta Anti-inflamatória
Não. Quando seguimos o protocolo terapêutico, removemos grãos, nozes e açúcar alto para diminuir a inflamação até que os sintomas desapareçam. Quando os sintomas desaparecem, em geral, todas as frutas e nozes e a maioria dos grãos podem ser reincorporados na dieta.
Por favor, consulte a palestra sobre grãos.
Por favor, consulte as palestras sobre microbioma.
Não usamos sementes de cânhamo com este protocolo.
Apenas exclua-o do seu cardápio.
Não usamos cogumelos no protocolo terapêutico, já que as pessoas podem estar lidando com candidíase.
Você pode reintroduzir os solanáceos após 2-4 meses e quando os sintomas desaparecerem.
Usamos farinhas mínimas, como de mandioca e araruta, apenas para fins de consistência no protocolo terapêutico. Os principais ingredientes são pseudocereais.
Nós separamos frutas e vegetais, baseado em conselhos. O café da manhã pode ser de frutas, e o almoço pode incluir feijão mungo. Não recomendamos comer legumes (feijão mungo) crus.
Cru e cozido. Proporção recomendada 70% cru, 30% cozido.
“Seria bom para nós cozinhar menos e comer mais frutas em seu estado natural. Vamos ensinar as pessoas a comerem livremente de uvas frescas, maçãs, pêssegos, peras, bagas e todos os outros tipos de frutas que podem ser obtidos. Deixe que estas sejam preparadas para uso no inverno, enlatando, usando vidro, tanto quanto possível, em vez de estanho.” – Testemunhos para a Igreja 7:134, 1902
Sim, é.
Apenas se você testar negativo para alergias
Não, não são permitidos grãos crus. Muitas pessoas também reagem à aveia.
A informação popular sobre fermentação que encontramos produz álcool e bactérias ruins. Temos uma receita saudável de chucrute, com fermentação controlada (tempo e limão).
Psyllium é inflamatório, então não está em nosso protocolo.
Em geral, a estévia líquida é refinada e pode conter aditivos.
Sim, você pode beber água destilada.
Sim, elas serão introduzidas depois que os sintomas desaparecerem ou após 2 meses.
Seguimos os conselhos no Espírito de Profecia que diz para não usar fermento em pó; portanto, não o utilizamos.
Não usamos fermento nutricional devido ao componente de MSG e a maioria dos fermentos é cultivada em trigo.
No processo de crescimento do fermento, podem ser usados grãos transgênicos ou grãos aos quais as pessoas reagem e causam sintomas.
Não usamos produtos químicos em alimentos ou qualquer alimento processado para dar ao corpo a melhor chance de boa saúde.
Óleos livres podem estar rançosos e inflamatórios.
Sim, recomendamos o uso de sal não processado e saudável. O sal Celta é o melhor.
Em nosso Menu e Protocolo Terapêutico, não usamos nozes ou grãos por um tempo até que os sintomas desapareçam. Mais tarde, isso pode ser reintegrado na dieta depois que os sintomas foram resolvidos.
Não usamos óleos livres, pois podem ser inflamatórios.
Não para o protocolo terapêutico; devido ao alto teor de açúcar, o abacaxi pode ser reintroduzido após a conclusão deste protocolo.
Sim, você pode usar outras ervas; no entanto, não usamos espirulina, clorela ou alfafa para doenças autoimunes, já que estas estimulam demasiadamente o sistema imunológico.
O milheto é um grão, será reintroduzido após o Menu/Protocolo Terapêutico e cozido por algumas horas (de acordo com o conselho da Irmã White).
Sim. Adicione aos seus alimentos crus e saladas.
Rabanetes, brócolis, Trevo Vermelho.
Sim, mas não exagere nas beterrabas devido ao teor de açúcar.
Alimentos quentes são necessários para uma boa digestão. O SOP fala sobre isso.
Agave é altamente processado, então não o usamos.
Sim, nós o usamos.
Não, não usamos sementes de gergelim em nosso protocolo, pois as pessoas tendem a reagir a elas.
Gostamos principalmente de usar alimentos curativos.
Sim, espinafre é ok para usar.
Não usamos grama de trigo, já que pessoas com doenças autoimunes podem reagir a ela.
Sim, o mel cru de Manuka é bom.
Estamos em uma dieta com baixo teor de açúcar neste estágio; você pode usá-las mais tarde quando não houver sintomas.
Recomendamos maçãs Granny Smith devido ao seu menor teor de açúcar.
Pão e frutas, ou você também pode usar a receita de caldo de cebola com batata (se eles tolerarem).
Substituições de Alimentos
Você pode plantar beldroega como fonte de ômega-3. A beldroega é uma boa opção apenas no verão, pois não cresce no inverno.
Sim, você pode. Limão e lima são intercambiáveis.
Sim, você pode usar outras ervas; no entanto, não usamos espirulina, clorela ou alfafa para doenças autoimunes, pois essas estimulam muito o sistema imunológico.
Depende das receitas usadas. Você pode fazer uma mistura de leite de coco composta por lascas de coco e sementes de girassol. Por favor, consulte a receita de “Leite de Coco Rápido” na p. 78 do Livro de Receitas e adicione sementes de girassol.
O aloe não precisa ser orgânico, pois cresce como erva daninha, então é menos provável que tenha sido exposto a pesticidas. Fazemos o nosso melhor para evitar alimentos processados.
Sim, você pode usar batata-doce em vez de taro.
Não usamos psyllium em nosso programa. Para fibra, você pode usar semente de linhaça moída.
Fazemos pães sem fermento, então não há necessidade de usar isso em nosso programa.
Sim, você pode trocar a quinoa por kaniwa.
O coco pode ser substituído por abacate ou sementes de girassol, dependendo da receita.
Basta deixá-los de fora, alimentos aos quais somos sensíveis, simplesmente não usamos.
Sim, isso é verdade para o abacate porque é um alimento neutro.
Basta beber água, já que os vegetais, especialmente os verdes, são alcalinos.
Para substituir as gorduras usamos linhaça, chia, abacate e azeitonas. Para as proteínas, elas serão incluídas nos pseudogrãos e leguminosas.
A farinha de grão-de-bico, quando não embebida e germinada, tem altos níveis de lectinas que são antinutrientes. Elas devem ser evitadas.
O açúcar de tâmara tem um teor de açúcar muito maior e é evitado durante o menu terapêutico. Este é o momento em que você está curando mais e o alto teor de açúcar impede a cura.
Sim, este é um substituto semelhante.
Você pode. 1 colher de sopa de erva seca para 4 colheres de sopa de erva fresca.
O coco desidratado pode ser usado para fazer leite de coco e outras receitas. Para o rato alfarroba, apenas um coco jovem e fresco produzirá o sabor desejado. Uma alternativa é usar sementes de girassol embebidas e germinadas, mas a consistência pode não ser exatamente a mesma.
Você pode tentar trocar a cebola por alho se não tolerar alho.
Preferimos frutas frescas em vez de secas devido ao alto teor de glicose.
Sim, você pode usar os cálculos:
1 dente = 1 colher de chá de alho em pó;
1 colher de sopa de cebola fresca = 1 colher de sopa de cebola em pó.
O coco pode ser substituído por abacate ou sementes de girassol, dependendo da receita.
Um bom substituto é o Chá de Dente de Leão usado como enema.
Use laranja apenas no café da manhã, já que não misturamos frutas e vegetais. O limão é neutro.
Você pode comer uma porção menor; em vez de 2 colheres de sopa, use 1 colher de chá. Comece com 1 colher de chá para ver como funciona.
Sim, você pode usar Camu Camu, é um ótimo cítrico!
Recomendamos usar um canudo para beber água com limão para evitar a remoção do esmalte dos dentes. Se a garganta estiver irritada, espere até que esse problema seja resolvido antes de voltar para sua dieta.
Você pode usar pequenas quantidades de mel no lugar da estévia.
Nós simplesmente não usamos cítricos até que o intestino permeável seja resolvido.
Sim. Você pode substituir a yuca por mandioca.
Compra de Ingredientes e Recursos
Para pessoas nos EUA, o tem preços com desconto. Você pode comprar sazonalmente em mercados de agricultores locais ou começar a cultivar seus próprios produtos.
Entendemos que comprar orgânicos pode ser caro. É menos caro comprar em grandes quantidades ou comprar em grupo/cooperativas ou com outra pessoa. Às vezes, é mais barato comprar online. Alguns produtos podem não estar disponíveis em seu país, então faça o seu melhor e use o que puder encontrar, pois é melhor do que não fazer nada. Você pode adquirir itens aos poucos, não precisa tentar comprar todos os itens de uma vez. Em alguns casos, pode levar mais tempo para adquirir todos os itens alimentares, mas tenha coragem e ore para que o Senhor o ajude a obter o que você precisa.
Comprar sementes de abóbora germinadas é um ótimo começo até que você esteja confiante em germinar as suas próprias.
Sim, você pode usar frutas vermelhas orgânicas congeladas.
Nós recomendamos
Se você as enlatou você mesmo, sim. Se compradas em lojas, são processadas e, para uma melhor cura, devem ser evitadas. Azeitonas Botija podem ser da Thrive Market, porque são preparadas com sal e desidratadas. Desde que estejam desidratadas e apenas com sal e ervas. O menos processadas.
Nós compramos a marca que o Azure Standard fornece.
Você pode usar outros pseudocereais; depois que os sintomas desaparecerem, outros grãos podem ser adicionados.
Esta lista de suprimentos deve durar aproximadamente de 2 a 3 semanas, exceto pelos vegetais que precisam ser comprados frescos semanalmente.
Gostamos de usar o Azure Standard.
O espremedor Nama J2 é bom o espremedor Omega.
Você pode conseguir cocos em mercearias asiáticas.
Tente comprar em e/ou lojas asiáticas.
Métodos de Culinária / Preparação de Alimentos e Armazenamento
Slow cooking seem to be healthier rather than methods that are fast cooking with extreme heat such as microwaving and pressure cooking.
Water from sprouting, etc. is good for your plants.
Yes, use approximately half of what the recipe is calling for.
That is fine. We like the simplicity of the use of powder and its availability.
Dried beans can still sprout after several years.
Stainless steel containers should be okay.
You can store it that way for up to about 2 weeks.
We dehydrate seeds for convenience to have them ready anytime to make butters and other recipes.
Yes, buying those items like that will help you.
Yes, Mercy freeze dries her food for travel and storage. It can be safely done at home. Lots of products for this are on the market.
Root vegetables are classified as starchy and non-starchy. The starchy vegetables, such as sweet potato, potatoes, cassava, taro, etc should always be cooked before consuming. Non-starchy vegetables like carrots, beets, parsnips, turnips, and rutabagas can be consumed in their raw form.
You have to be careful with the quality of your pans as some have harmful chemicals applied to them that will get into your foods when you cook with them.
Yes. As long as it has not oxidized it should keep for up to 3 days.
Cooking on High heat for 8-9 minutes usually works well. Because we are not using a leavening agent, it is normal for the waffles to be more gummy in the center than traditional waffles, but you might want to check your waffle iron as well.
No, we do not recommend making green smoothies. If you don’t have a juicer, you can blend the greens and then strain them. This is better than not juicing.
No, we peel the dry layers of before cooking.
We boil the onion and garlic for 15 minutes, then turn it off.
No this is soaking. Please see our video on sprouting.
Bring your cereal to a boil and the recipes have the timing.
We do not have this available at this time.
Depending on how much water you use – quite a bit of water means rolls will turn out moist; alternatively, with less water, they will cook all the way through. They can be stored for two weeks in the fridge (never left out) then after that time, they should go in the freezer.
Leftover legumes and pseudo grains are good in the fridge for 5 days; for a longer time, you need to freeze them.
Because they can still go rancid, dehydrated pumpkin and sunflower seeds need to be stored in the freezer.
We use a ceramic waffle iron. This is the best we can source. Preheat it and then cook, and when it’s done cooking it should come loose easily. Do not use any free/liquid oils.
If having thyroid issues, cruciferous vegetables like kale should be cooked/steamed.
Protocol and Menu
If you have autoimmune symptoms, we recommend the 4 day therapeutic plan (on the course site under resources) which you rotate through for 2-4 months depending on your recovery rate. When you are healed, you may then proceed to the 7 day meal maintenance protocol in our Autoimmune cookbook.
Yes, this protocol works very well for children.
Yes, you can.
You can have ginger 3x per week as per the protocol. This way you will derive the benefits without risking overstimulation of your digestive system.
Measure flaxseed after grinding, to get your measurements.
Yes, you take flaxseed all at once at breakfast-time.
About 1/2 x 1/2 inch per teaspoon.
Yes, maybe put it on top and eat it with a spoon rather than blending it in which would change the consistency.
Yes, you can eat the smoothie ingredients instead. We have a new recipe, removing potatoes (night shades) changing it (potatoes) to 1 Cup of cassava flour nd add 1 Cup of hot water and then mix by hand (lot of work) or a food processor.
On our research, these foods have alcohol formed thru fermentation, and they are a hindrance for you to heal. We have a healthy recipe in the updated Menu.
The lemon/garlic drink can provide fast-acting relief for autoimmune or other inflammatory or digestive symptoms.
We have not found an organic Yuca.
It is in your Therapeutic Protocol in Resources.
See below:
Drink 1-2 tsp of turmeric powder daily
Take with 1⁄2 tsp honey and 1⁄4 cup of milk (coconut, other milk) or Add when 1⁄4 of your smoothie remains (turmeric has strong taste
Yes, this is okay because this is not for internal use.
The order doesn’t matter as long as you are rotating through the meals.
Either is fine.
You will find the juices in the Therapeutic Protocol.
Carob is a super food and is good for digestion.
We don’t recommend that you use kiwi fruit that is not organic.
Please see our protocol.
No, we have not experienced this.
Avocado and cucumber are neutral foods so it is okay.
Yes, this is correct. The principle of juices is 30 minutes before meals; aloe 15 min before meals.
Exercise should not be close to meals, since digestion takes lots of energy and so does exercise. Exercise should be spaced at least 30 min prior to meals and 2 hours after meals.
We drink the lemon/garlic drink while eating to mix with the food or else it can cause a problem.
You drink the third juice sometime around 6 pm.
Red lettuce is great! The darker the color, the more nutritious. No iceberg lettuce.
Buying organic should help. Organic produce is generally carefully processed.
B2C2 is a comprehensive gluten/antigenic vegetarian food sensitivity stool sample.
No, closer to the root is where there is more quercetin, not the skin.
We use the palm coconut for coconut sugar in small amounts for bread only.
Tea is taken between meals.
There will be better absorption due to smaller particles.
Night shifts are very hard on the system; big shift of energy; follow the menu as much as you can, in the mean time.
Eating a light meal is an option or changing your eating times to 9 am and 3 pm.
No, activated charcoal needs to be taken on an empty stomach so as not to bind to nutrients or medications.
This is addressed in the difficult conditions class lecture.
They are healthier options.
After sprouting, your portions double in size.
Regarding your husband’s reaction, we suggest that you remove lentils from his diet until his leaky gut is fixed.
Yes, you can! You can even make your own flour after you dehydrate them.
Soak and sprout in room temperature. Sprouting has begun even when you don’t see the tails. The sprouting process takes longer in colder temperatures, but if you give it time you should see the tails.
Log in to med missionary. Under Course>Food Preparation
It is never ok to eat raw/uncooked legumes.
You may need to increase your portion size; eat more fats (coconut, seeds and avocado); blend and drink (smoothies); eat 3x a day, 5 hours apart.
You can enjoy your waffles with fresh fruits, seed/coconut butter (sunflower and pumpkin seeds, and coconut); honey and salt.
No particular aloe is necessary; it’s the preparation which includes soaking and getting the latex off which is corrosive. Watch the video on aloe preparation.
No, it digests differently.
We have not found that to be the case. In the morning, your body is strongest with a lot of insulin reserve.
Just eat naturally. Your stomach will process the entire meal together as it takes 4 hours to completely empty the stomach. This is why we have 5 hours between meals without eating or snacking in-between meals.
It takes 4 hours to move from stomach to small intestines. Snacking mixes new food with partially digested food and fermentation takes place.
This is to detox at the end of the day. Do not use if constipated.
Yes, if taken internally. Organic coconut is what we use to take internally. For poultices, you don’t need food grade.
1 Tablespoon for a 100 lb person. Adjust per weight.
Yes, take on an empty stomach. 30 minutes from tea or broth. 2 hours from a full meal.
For practical purposes we grind it once a week and store it is the freezer which keeps the oxidization down.
Yes, turmeric is okay with a carob smoothie.
Yes, the protocol explains how often to drink these drinks.
This protocol is great for everyone; to give a fresh start.
Yes, you are to integrate the Gut Health Protocol as well.
You can just eliminate them from your meal plan.
We sprout buckwheat and use it immediately. If some is left over it is best to dehydrate it and store for later use.
Dried fruit usually has a high sugar content which impedes gut healing and bacterial balance. So during the Therapeutic Protocol, we avoid dried fruits.
During the first part (Therapeutic Menu and Protocol), you can defer enterolab. Once you start the maintenance diet, you may need to test to avoid food you react with.
We have recipes for waffles and flatbread.
We call our cooked pseudograins our cereal (replacement). These are quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, and kaniwa.
Veggies we considered the leafy greens. Lemon helps with digestion and garlic is good for your microbiome.
If you are having issues with lemon, then yes you can use garlic with orange.
Taro is the same as malanga but choose large ones because the little ones are slimy.
Do the best you can, but try to buy from farmers that do not use pesticides; the products do not necessarily have to be organic.
You can use an additional 1/4 cup of coconut milk, or cut back on the quantity of chia to find your preferred consistency.
Drink large amounts of water during the day, to avoid constipation when using these food items.
Buckwheat, quinoa, kaniwa, and amaranth.
To track weight loss and gain. Monitoring is key
There is an app that can help you called Dminder app.
Yes. Assign one of your meals as vegetables, green leafy salad, and your bread cooked as in the recipes.
Yes, we use small amounts of honey in our recipes. Honey is a great source of probiotics.
Yes, yams can be used in our protocol.
I would stop using fruit for 3 days, and then reintroduce low sugar fruits,
one at a time, as tolerated.
We like to use water free of toxicity. We recommend a good filter (Eg. Berkey
water filter).
The ratios is 1:3 Omega 3 to Omega 6.
All the fats that are not omega 3 (chia and flaxseed) are omega 6 (oils, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, nuts…)
We would like you to follow the therapeutic protocol as it will give you a good experience so that you can help others as well as give you a good, fresh start in your health.
We drink water 30 minutes before meals and 2 hours after meals.
Charcoal is used to remove toxins from the body.
We prefer not to use materials in capsules which have binders, etc. Pure powdered charcoal is best and then you also don’t have to use so many capsules.
You get a lab stool test called B2C2 which tests for food sensitivities.
That is correct, take charcoal 2-3 hours before and after meals and medication.
No, the purpose of the broth is to put a coating on the lining of the digestive system, so lemon won’t work for that.
Yes they are different; not the same.
It’s okay for bread and waffles but not for fresh consumption.
Combining berries and greens produces fermentation.
Yes, your can pour the garlic lemon drink on your salad.
For dandelion root instead leaves just use the same amounts.
Add more fruits when all the symptoms are gone. (Usually 2 to 4 months)
We suggest that you remove all the pseudograins and re-introduce them one at a time to see which one may be causing the bloating.
If you do not have symptoms take the activated charcoal for 2 weeks.
Yes you may use a charcoal poultice for liver cancer. You make a mixture of 50% psyllium; 50% charcoal; add water to make a paste. Put paste onto a paper towel and then wrap it up.
Baking those items increases acrylamide compound which is toxic.
Yes, it means that you are to eat 3 cups of fruit a day.
The recipes for legumes are before sprouting.
The person does not necessarily have to do anything different.
Refrigerate! It will help prolong the life of your food.
In freezer, keep a headspace (empty space, do not fill to the rim) to allow for expansion.
Keep the blended food in the mouth to mix with saliva.
People respond differently. We recommend a good daily amount for this protocol. Measure lipid panel testing, recommended to high risk (cholesterol) people.
You can check your blood sugar 1-2 hours after meals.
Yes. We get our coconut flakes from azure standard – organic (medium shred).
Carob is anti-inflammatory and is a superfood.
We are categorizing cucumber as a neutral food. For separating vegetables and fruit. Vegetables we qualify as the leafy greens. This is from counsel from the Spirit of Prophecy. Vegetables take longer to digest.
The 4 day meal plan is what you eat. These protocol with turmeric and aloe are things you do on top of the Therapeutic Menu or meal plan.
Adjust based on your schedule. 2 meals a day, 5 hours apart. No snack between.
Refer to the schedule and work them slowly into your lifestyle.
For healing, yes it is included.
Yes, definitely. no snacking for kids. Good habits develop early.
We do not measure per calories but servings. The calories were considered when we came up with the serving size.
Aloe Vera
Aloe coats the digestive wall and helps correct gut permeability.
It is preferable to use gel, as it more effectively coats the intestinal lining.
Grocery stores and Asian stores have aloe.
15 minutes before each meal and at bedtime.
Cut the bottom, soak in water overnight before consuming. The water will be yellow. Change the water daily. Consume 1 x 1 inch of the gel, do not eat the skin.
Please see the aloe video on our website.
Aloe doesn’t have to be organic because it grows like a weed, so it’s less likely to have been exposed to pesticides.
Aloe lasts about one month in water. Also please see the aloe video on our website.
Yes, you eat the aloe plain. Please see our aloe video in the food presentation part of our program.
Yes! Login to your MedMissionary account, then proceed to Course -> Food Preparations -> BONUS: Aloe Vera Preparation
Apply to face or sunburnt areas. Helps to moisturize skin, heal wounds, fight skin-ageing, lightens blemishes. For hair, may encourage hair growth, acts as conditioner.
Some people can have allergic reactions to aloe. They may experience indigestion, bloating, stomach irritation after ingestion. At which case, you can stop taking it.
Yes! Aloe grows very well in warm weather. Plant in a container because it spreads quickly.
You can buy aloe from:
Taking aloe vera at night is to create a coating on the lining of the digestive system to help leaky gut.
Please watch our demonstration video under the curriculum tab and click on –
“food preparations”.
Please watch our aloe video in the food presentation part of our program.
It will be helpful for your to watch our aloe video in the food presentation part of our program.
Autoimmune Cookbook
You may purchase the Autoimmune Cookbook at
Unfortunately we are not set up to ship internationally at the is time; however, you may purchase our e-cookbook version at
Course and Access
Yes, you can re-watch Sunday classes in the Weekly Stream course section under the Curriculum tab.
We do not have documents in Spanish at this time.
We prefer to keep our training program as it is; our preference is to have no worldly certification.
You can play Sunday Class Videos if you would like to review the information; it is not an expectation.
No, resources can be downloaded but not the videos. We do need to secure our content regarding circulation but you can watch them again during your course time or membership.
No, they are to be watched during the program.
One suggestion could be to use the Lifestyle Education title; this is good.
Withdrawal and Refund Policy
If you need to withdraw from our training course, you may read through our Withdrawal and Refund Policy to see your eligibility and process.
Getting our yearly membership allows you continued access to our course site after you finish the course to join every training program we have and new content including videos and every other Thursday for members only. You have this continued community support and we can answer your questions. You can purchase a membership towards the end of your training for $150 USD per year, or at $15 USD per month up to a year.
With our yearly membership you enjoy a $30 savings every year when compared to our monthly subscription. This is a great way to get access to all of our content at a discounted price, while also supporting our ministry.
Go to your account section on the website; then account details, and view membership options there.
Your membership is already at the discounted price.
Yes, you have access to all the lectures, videos and more.
Please follow up with Davie:
Natural Remedies
We recommend ginger to be used 3 x week.
Charcoal is the mix to paint teeth using a toothbrush. Moisten the toothbrush then dip in into some charcoal powder. Paint teeth gently, without applying pressure.
No, charcoal wears off throughout the night. Follow the protocol and menu carefully regarding gut flora.
Please visit our website and view our antiviral protocol.
You would use the dandelion leaves to make the enema.
Some people have strong reactions so we are careful in recommending this. We have experienced several people reacting to it.
For dandelion tea both flowers and leaves should work.
Use pure food grade Epsom salt.
Please look at our dandelion recipes in our resources section of the website.
We use dry leaves for the tea, but you can also use fresh.
Do not add Epsom salt to dandelion tea. Please see our dandelion tea recipes in our resources section of the website.
The heat is better in hot water rather than in a nebulizer.
We prefer to use food grade coconut glycerin.
1 TBS to 2-4 cups for the dandelion enema.
Use charcoal or clay. Use ice directly for sure!
Yes, take with the meal.
If sick, do not break a sweat with exercising vigorously. Even a homemade sauna works. Multiple blankets, sunlight, all work for healing.
Apply turmeric paste onto a paper towel using a spoon and then wrap with Saran Wrap.
You mix 4 cups of water, one TBS epsom salt and 3 TBS of lemon juice.
Yes, use only the water.
Detoxing would be beneficial prior to implementing the therapeutic menu; however, we have seen amazing results with just applying this protocol as a form of detoxing. For some people a detox is needed prior. We use enemas rather than colonics to avoid wiping out both our good and bad bacteria.
Fasting for three days with juices is great.
Only use regular organic potatoes; no sweet potatoes for poultices.
The potato poultice is used for inflammation, swelling and arthritis.
You keep the potato poultice on overnight for swelling.
No, we don’t shred the onion because it would be too wet; we just chop it up and roast it for a bit and then apply it three nights, every night overnight until the growth is gone.
You don’t have to use DMSO as there are heavy metals in some clays. Please note that we have not tried this.
You keep it in your mouth overnight.
Hot steam is what destroys the virus; therefore, hot water is better than a diffuser.
Yes. Garlic and onion broth enema. Vegetable juices. Breast milk enemas. Do not do all the time. Different people will benefit/tolerate differently.
Wait 2 hours after eating. Apply heat to the abdomen then massage; best done while lying down.
Health Conditions
This protocol is very effective for Hashimoto and can clear up your liver. The protocol must be followed faithfully. If you are not tolerating some of the foods, they can be removed.
After menopause, women should always take 4 TBS of flaxseed per day. This amount is not reduced or tapered.
We recommend 4 TBS per day.
Cayenne poultice works good for shingles, but it has to be combined with ground flaxseed to make a paste with it. Use a ration that you can tolerate and we suggest you begin with 1:10 and adjust as you can tolerate it.
We would need to know the age of the baby, but if coconut oil helps, then it should be okay.
In this case, a culinary dosage of one garlic clove per meal instead of two should work. Monitor your body, if you notice more bruises, you may have to stop using the garlic.
Yes, you can make a mixture of 3 parts of turmeric, 1 part of ground flaxseed and add water as needed.
You use 2 tsp of turmeric, 2 cloves of garlic and lemon with meals. Please see the protocols for the recipes.
You can place one drop of oregano in 12 oz of water and swish it around in the mouth and then spit it out.
You would need to carefully follow the therapeutic menu and protocol.
We have not heard of this.
This seems to be acute so your dad needs a team around him to constantly monitor his state. In his case, he needs a full assessment from a health care professional that can actually see him.
We do not advise stopping prescribed medications. An individual will need to
be monitored by their healthcare professional to decrease meds gradually.
Very small amounts should be okay but people need to see how they respond by checking their blood sugar level.
Yes, this protocol is great for IBS.
Yes, it is great as long as you keep rotating your body and don’t burn yourself.
This protocol will be helpful.
You can help by applying the menu and protocol.
Our anti-inflammatory diet also helps brain issues.
Apply a cool piece of aloe: shape as suppository to place in the area.
We recommend that you drink dandelion tea on an empty stomach.
Yes an onion poultice will work for breast cancer, and also castor oil.
Yes, an onion poultice will help, and also aloe vera.
To help loose weight remove coconut.
We have no experience with magnesium oil.
We do this using our menu.
If you have symptoms, yes you still need to limit food choices.
We advise 1 TBS of charcoal with 1 cup of water.
Enemas help. Try an onion/garlic broth enema.
Try a potato poultice for tendonitis.
For tinnitus, try doing oregano inhalations from our anti-viral protocol.
It’s possible but people usually itch.
Yes, try a potato poultice.
We do not have information at this time.
We advise you to follow the protocol and menu carefully for this condition.
Try painting your teeth with charcoal at night after you brush them.
We have found that this definitely helps allergies.
For his disease you need to follow the menu and protocol carefully.
Sunshine, fresh air and a good diet helps Osteoporosis.
This diet protocol helps promote hair growth. You can apply the onion garlic broth to the scalp.
Fluctuations in blood sugar have a lot of detrimental effects. Your body wants regulation. Spiking causes lens swelling and shrinking, creates cataracts, compromises brain metabolism, and damages cellular function and proteins.
Freestyle Libre.
The portions are a lot. You can also blend your food, eat 3x a day, and double legumes and cereals.
Yes, you can use those food items.
Yes, you can do that and keep taking it for life.
Follow the protocol carefully and use a mixture of aloe vera. Blend and strain the aloe, undiluted. Please see the aloe video on our website.
Yes, a charcoal poultice on the liver is fine.
This is unusual; we do not have an answer for this, sorry.
Try an oregano inhalation for 30 minutes; it usually helps. You might want to try this several times – every 3 hours for several days until it’s gone.
For asthma you can use menthol eucalyptus for inhalations.
You should do enemas if you have been sick for awhile.
We recommend the oregano inhalation.
Garlic and lots of water is good for high blood pressure along with sunshine.
Only use the legumes and vegetables that are agreeing with you as we provide variety in our plan.
This protocol should be great for osteoporosis and juicing will be important.
Follow the protocol and only use Celtic salt; juices are important.
This protocol will decrease inflammation including kidney conditions.
We still recommend 4 TBSP to balance hormones.
We get high vitamin C in the protocol using orange and lemon peels; there are sufficient sources of vitamin C in our protocol.
We do not advise that you use turmeric if you are on blood thinners.
Yes, this diet will help any inflammatory process.
We recommend following our menu and protocol.
It depends on how long the person has been sick.
This protocol will greatly help his health by building his damaged immune system since ours is a very detailed program.
With people on blood thinners we only recommend small amounts of turmeric and garlic.
No, a banana peel will work.
Use a hot and cold treatment and then potato poultice.
We do warm baths with cardiac conditions and cold showers but use with caution because it can decrease the blood pressure too much.
We notice that for some people we see an increase in cholesterol and tryglycerides.
We recommend dandelion tea.
We recommend that you eat only small amounts of steamed cruciferous.
The indicator was bloating.
Follow the protocol garlic and onion broth and enema and also consult a neurologist.
Follow our program and the charcoal poultice is good.
Work on your leaky gut; follow our program and have your doctor wean them from medications as needed.
Train the exposed hemorrhoids to be inside of the rectum area using a glove and lubrication.
Hemorrhoids are caused from a weak hemorrhoidal wall. Usually when people don’t have regular bowel movements they are more prone to develop hemorrhoids when the walls of the area are weakened.
You will need to expose the feet to sun and paint the nails with oregano oil while exposing to sun. Try to remove as much of the affected nails as possible.
Potatoes absorb water but are not to be used in prevention. We have to address the reason of the swelling through the diet and then address the issue.
For extreme eczema you would need to do a very personalized follow up because this is a very difficult condition. You need to be very experienced due to the complexity of these cases.
The best thing is to apply the menu and protocol.
A person having high levels of mercury may need a detox program.
It will be worth trying this diet as it has helped some people.
Lectins cause inflammation which can be avoided by soaking and spouting.
This protocol works well for weight loss! We recommend that you eat 2 meals a day, 5 hours apart, follow the serving size, with onion broth for dinner.
Yes, this meal plan can be used for kidney stones and don’t forget your WATER intake.
Yes, the therapeutic menu helps, specifically lemon and garlic drink.
Vitamins & Minerals
Vitamin D actually stores in fat cells.
Yes, but you would have to do research to get a good lamp that doesn’t cause eye damage that’s why we prefer to use sunshine while we can and build up that vitamin D during the summer to help us go through the winter.
You can get the maximum vitamin D from 10 am to 3 pm; to avoid burning we suggest that you rotate your body constantly.
The vitamin D level should be optimal so, if your level is low you should supplement it.
Yes. High magnesium sources are in this protocol with the shopping list. As you incorporate this diet, taper down your magnesium supplement slowly. Pinch of celtic salt also helps.
Yes, babies get vitamin D from their mom, but their mom has to be proactive and get her sunlight.
We recommend you use B12 only if your levels are low.
Yes, we use the same protocols for patients who has psoriasis.
I would go back to the protocol due to the inflammation caused by CV19.
Greens are alkaline.
Oca, olluca and mashua are all nightshades.
You can switch meals so you eat lunch for breakfast and breakfast for lunch.
Yes there is arsenic in rice. We recommend that you look for low arsenic rice and eat it only 2 times per week.
You would have to follow the guidelines in each county.
Root vegetables are different from root starches, which should always be cooked.
You might want to do some research in your area as to what people do during the winter.
The more the body is exposed, the more vitamin D will be absorbed. The back absorbs a great amount of vitamin D.
We are unfamiliar with this.
Be active, the most you can. Most recommend 10k steps a day.
The body cannot digest these fibers but the bacteria can.
IgE is immunoglobulin E that refers to allergies.
We have not checked into the difference into these types of cinnamon. We do not use cinnamon just to be safe.
We get our chlorophyll through our juices and greens.
You request the blood tests from the patient who gets them from the treating doctor.
A good substitute is Dandelion Tea.
Yes, reverse osmosis for well water is a good option.
You can get labs without a doctor’s request at:
Mixed information on that. The usual cause of obstruction in diverticulitis is from digested food. To be safe, BLEND any food that has seeds, blend pomegranate into your berry/sunflower smoothie.
Heartburn. Regurgitation of food/liquids. Chest/Abdominal pain. Feeling full soon after you eat. Shortness of breath (when severe). Vomiting of blood or black stools (when bleeding).
Eat all the plant-based items in our menu and do the onion/garlic broth enema.
Your client’s gut is healed when the symptoms are gone.
Yes. Request a prescription from your doctor.