Dr. Joyce and Mercy Ballard started a podcast back in early 2020 around the beginning of the global pandemic and it was originally called Advent Truth. Every Sabbath at 3PM PST they would faithfully go on the air hosting their Biblical presentations to anyone who cared to join, slowly building a passionate community over time. In 2021 the decision was made to change our name to better reflect who we are and what we wanted to do with our platform and we then became Med Missionary. Quickly after that the Med Missionary Training was developed and we opened our virtual doors to our first class in May of 2021, and it all started with this podcast.
The Med Missionary Podcast goes live on YouTube and Zoom every Sabbath afternoon at 3PM and different Adventist speakers from around the world are invited to give powerful, inspiring, or cautionary presentations regarding the health message, scripture, prophecy, or the state of the world and how it relates to the Bible.
Anyone who has read Ellen White knows about “medical missionary work.” But… seriously… what’s the big deal? Well, it is a big deal. (“Massive,” “monumental,” “cosmic,” and “apocalyptic” also come to mind.) We’ve done medical, we’ve done missionary, but we’ve never seen the full, promised fruit. What’s missing?
The understanding of the physiology of the body and mind as the temple of God is the foundation to understanding the association of health and salvation. Satan understands this physiology and utilizes it to undermine our will and lead us into sin. It is God’s design for us to understand Satan’s methods and through His power to gain the victory over sin. This study is the first of a three part series called The Throne Room Under Siege. It explores the connection between the sanctuary pattern and the design of the human temple, shedding light on the work of the atonement and health laws.
What are unalienable rights and what constitutes religious liberty? Is seeking for medical autonomy selfish and unprincipled in the setting of a public health crisis? We will take an introductory look at the Declaration of Independence and compare the Constitution of the United States with that of our neighbor country Canada, as we answer these and other questions during MedMissionary’s Sabbath discussion.
Suntem creștini, adventiști de ziua a șaptea și oferim o comunitate globală online și o platformă creștină de educație pentru sănătate.
Informațiile oferite de Wholeness for Life LLC (“noi,” sau “al nostru”) pe https://misionarmed.com (denumit în continuare “Site”) sunt oferite doar în scop de informare generală. Toate informațiile de pe site sunt furnizate cu bună credință, însă nu oferim nici o garanție sau declarație de nici un fel, expresă sau implicită cu privire la acuratețea, fiabilitatea, disponibilitatea sau caracterul complet al informațiilor de pe site. În nicio circumstanță nu vom avea nici o responsabilitate față de dumneavoastră pentru orice pierdere sau daună de orice fel survenită ca urmare a utilizării site-ului sau a încrederii în orice informație furnizată pe site. Utilizarea site-ului și încrederea acordată de către dumneavoastră oricăror informații de pe site, se face exclusiv pe propriul dumneavoastră risc. Consultați toată declarația de declinare a răspunderii. Consultați politica noastră de rambursare.
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