Communication Guidelines

Our CO-founders/instructors – Dr. Joyce and Mercy are active, busy health professionals therefore they surround themselves with a capable team to share their Med Missionary workload.

Please familiarize yourself with the communication guidelines below:

Technical Assistance or General Inquiries

For all issues corresponding to your Med Missionary account, the course software, payment issues, or any general queries please email us at:

Class Zoom Sessions

• For Sunday class sessions, you can simply click on the link in your email which will take you directly into the class zoom session where you will wait until the host lets you in.

• Please ensure your mic is on mute to prevent feedback interference. It is nice if you connect with your video to establish a closer sense of community during class sessions.

• Write down your questions and wait until the presentation is over, to prevent distraction, then post your brief question in the chat for the question and answer session at the end of class.

• Keep questions short and brief as they need to be read quickly.

• Because of limited time, please keep your questions related to class content rather than specific, personal circumstances or conditions. Questions should also relate to the section we are covering rather than future topics. You may save your questions for topics as they occur. Thank you for understanding and cooperating.

• If your question is unable to be answered in class due to time restrictions, we will answer them in the questions and answers area in the Forum section of the course site.

Zoom Chatting and Signal Posting

We want to be loving when we post as we learn. We want to maintain respect and care with all walks of life as we share.

Med Missionary Emails

• Med Missionary communicates to students regularly by email, so it might be a good idea to have an email app on your phone for notifications.

• Emails contain important information and zoom links pertaining class.

• Additional Med Missionary programs such as Sabbath study and Thursday evening broadcasts (for those with yearly memberships) are also communicated via email.

Signal Phone App - (Private Messaging Platform)


• Join Signal Med Missionary Group:

• Signal is a messaging communication tool between students where you can share health experiences and give informal advice to each other, ask for prayer, etc.

• Occasionally, Dr. Joyce and Mercy will contribute responses.


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