Membership Checklists & Tips

This is the place to find our templates for checklists, trackers, and also other tips that you may find helpful.

Personal Health Tracker​

A personal health tracker / daily journal can be used to keep track of your health progress. We have provided a format for keeping track of your schedule, meals, remedies, and document how your body is responding. You may have different needs for your health journey, so we have provided this personal health tracker on an MS Excel file for you to amend according to your individual needs.

Balancing Your Health Checklist​​

God’s plan for us is to live a balanced life and that is why He has provided us with so many wonderful resources.  Balancing your health can be a real challenge with the unpredicatable and busy lifestyles that we live.  For that reason sometimes it pays to check how we are doing in each area of health.  Remember from your Med Missionary Training the W.H.O.L.E.N.E.S.S. acronym?  (Water, Habits, Oxygen, Love, Environment, Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Sunshine) The Autoimmune Plant Based Cookbook p. 112.

This health checklist can help you recognize areas you are strong in regarding your health practices and other areas that you are neglecting, which can drive your personal health goal setting.

Just put a checkmark in the area(s) that you did well in for that day and track your results throughout the week for consistencies and inconsistencies to help towards your improvement in health practices to bring about balance.

Pantry Inventory Sheet

It can be pretty tricky to remember all the lovely food that you have stored in your pantry for your therapeutic or meal plans, so an inventory sheet may  help!   This can help warn you when you are low or relieve you to know you have a lot of a food item.

The suggestion is to keep your sheet up-to-date; therefore, using a pencil may be your best writing tool.  You simply record your food items in alphabetical order or in a way that works well for you.  

We have provided a pantry inventory sheet as an example that you can customize and use.

Sprouting Process & Tips

Sprouting is a pretty straightforward process but there are things you want to be certain to do be successful.  On page 22-27 of our Autoimmune Cookbook we provide quite a bit of detail about how to sprout and this sprouting process and tips resource complements that section of our book.


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